Sponsored eBlasts

Reach and impact the RAPS community with exclusive access to send an email to 35,000 global regulatory professionals.

There is only 1 available each month.

Average Statistics (over a 12-month period)

Open Rate: 24.4%
Click Rate:
CTO: 2.4%


  • Sponsor to provide HTML code, images, URL, and compliant opt-out links. RAPS will deploy the message through its own email platform on behalf of the sponsor.

  • Sponsor will NOT receive any contact information from RAPS but can include tracking links and links to external forms to capture information.

  • All deployments would have a disclaimer at the top that reads "This message is being sent by a RAPS partner."

  • One deloyment available per month on a first-come, first-served basis. Requires one month lead time. All content subject to approval by RAPS.

Investment: $9,000 per month

Targeted opportunities are available by demographics (sector, professional areas of interest, etc.). Contact Chris Martin at chris.martin@wearemci.com or (410) 584-1989 for more information.


  • Requires one month lead time

  • All content is subject to approval by RAPS