Sponsored eBlasts
Reach and impact the RAPS community with exclusive access to send an email to 35,000 global regulatory professionals.
There is only 1 available each month.
Average Statistics (over a 12-month period)
Open Rate: 24.4%
Click Rate: 0.6%
CTO: 2.4%
Sponsor to provide HTML code, images, URL, and compliant opt-out links. RAPS will deploy the message through its own email platform on behalf of the sponsor.
Sponsor will NOT receive any contact information from RAPS but can include tracking links and links to external forms to capture information.
All deployments would have a disclaimer at the top that reads "This message is being sent by a RAPS partner."
One deloyment available per month on a first-come, first-served basis. Requires one month lead time. All content subject to approval by RAPS.
Investment: $9,000 per month
Targeted opportunities are available by demographics (sector, professional areas of interest, etc.). Contact Chris Martin at chris.martin@wearemci.com or (410) 584-1989 for more information.
Requires one month lead time
All content is subject to approval by RAPS