RF Today
RF Today is distributed daily to more than 28,000 opt-in regulatory professionals around the globe and serves as a one-stop-shop for the day's top news, analysis, and intelligence. This vital resource includes Regulatory Recon, a free intelligence service which curates the day's top news from hundreds of sources and delivers it as an easy-to-read, concise, and shareable page.
Opt-In Subscribers: 28,000
Average Statistics (over a 12-month period)
Open Rate: 30.2%
Click Rate: 2.2%
CTO: 7.3%
Sponsorships are weekly and include five editions of RF Today.
Medium rectangle: 300 x 250 pixels
Large rectangle: 497 x 279 pixels
Rates/Weekly Investment:
Exclusive sponsorship
$2,800/week (1-3 weeks)
$2,600/week (4-6 weeks)
$2,300/week (7+ weeks)
Ads are due by the Thursday prior to your ad run.
Please submit jpg, gif or png at 72 dpi. No animation.
Ads and links can be sent to meredith.targarona@wearemci.com